Cabin Bookings for 2014 start Friday, Nov. 1st at 8am
Call-- (970)-731-9906

Dear Friends, The Storms of early October have gotten the refilling of the Lake off to a Nice Start. Current Reservoir Height is 42% of Maximum, up from a low of 9% in September. Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! The Resort is put to bed for the winter and we're ready to think about next season. Changes to our website have been completed and can be viewed at: NOTE: If you have us bookmarked on your computer, PLEASE REFRESH each page you view to be sure you are viewing updated information. That brings us to HOW AND WHEN TO MAKE CABIN RESERVATIONS FOR YOUR 2014 VACATION--Here's the Scoop... 1) Season--May 23-September 15. (The Weekend of September 20 & 21 is potentially available to someone wanting to reserve the entire Resort for a Wedding or Private Party). 2)Off-Peak Weekend rates have been extended to include June 6 & 7. Rates have only slightly increased ($5 & $10 per night). See Cabins Page link: 3)JULIE WILL START TAKING RESERVATIONS AT 8AM ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1st from our home in Colorado at (970)731-9906. She will also be available in the office on Wednesday, 10/30 from 4pm-7pm and again, Thursday, 10/31 from 8am-10am to ANSWER any QUESTIONS you have about reserving on 11/1. 4)On November 1st, PHONE Reservations will be handled on a FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED basis starting at 8AM. PRIORITY WILL BE GIVEN TO "Live" PHONE CALLS but you can leave a message if the line is busy. We'll call back ASAP. 5) You can also send a reservation REQUEST via our online "Webervations" system starting tonight, October 27. (Rates may not come up 100% accurately as we're still working on data entry in that system). Click on our website CHECK AVAILABILITY link: *REMEMBER! This is ONLY A REQUEST! and you STILL MUST SPEAK TO JULIE on or after November 1st to confirm. Many restrictions apply. 6)Credit card payment for deposit is NOW available. See link: *You MUST enter card information online to have this option. 7) CANCELLATION POLICY is the same as last year. The minimum cancellation charge per cabin is $50. Full forfeit still applies to reservations cancelled within 30 days for individual stays and within 90 days for groups. See link for details: 8) PET POLICY. Mostly the same as last year. You will be asked to sign your pet(s) in at Check-In to insure that everyone is aware of the Resort "pet policy". Please limit dogs to 2 per cabin unless prior approval has been given. There is still NO additional charge to bring your pet, however, excessively shedding pets may require an extra cleaning fee. (To avoid this, bring your lint brush and sweep the cabin thoroughly before leaving.) Review Pet Policies online prior to booking and advise your friends and family members that are coming with you to do the same. See link for details: *RESPONSIBILITY, cooperation and respect will help keep Moon Lake Resort a "Pet Friendly and Fun" place for everyone. 9)Among updated details on our website: a) please note "the NEW"Campground Map: b) the more precise driving DIRECTIONS (and cautions for those using GPS). c) Open Range driving cautions (Watch for ever-present wildlife, especially Black Cows at night. This IS a serious matter but you might get a chuckle from a YouTube video we found and linked on the Directions Page). So, until next time--Thanks for your continued love or new interest in Moon Lake and the Resort. For general information anytime--please view our website at: Also, for more frequent communication, "Like" us on Facebook at Moon Lake Resort, Utah. Winter Well, Happy Trails and remember... We AND the Lake are Coming Back--YOU Should, Too! Bill, Julie and the Crew